Our Mission…

Our MISSION is to deliver EFFECTIVE support to all sufferers of mental distress through ACCURATE knowledge and understanding.

Let me explain.

In the western world we largely follow an understanding of mental distress as being SICKNESS; DISEASE; INFIRMITY; PROBLEM.  This is known as the BIOMEDICAL MODEL.  This understanding suggests that treatment paths should typically consist of ‘MEDICINE’ and possibly ‘TALKING THERAPIES’ to help you manage your ‘ILLNESS’.

That’s one way of considering mental distress.

However, there are other ways of understanding mental distress.

For example, you may suffer mental distress as a result of how you’ve learnt to interpret your world, -  through what’s happened to you; experiences you’ve had; your early home life; your relationships.  Early traumas you may have experienced.  This is not an illness.  These are your body trying to apply developed evolutionary skills.  To survive.

Or, if either of your parents were experiencing heightened emotional states before you were born, then you may have been born with the genetic propensities that they had developed, at that time, to best help you survive in the world to which you were to be born.  This is evolution.  These are not inevitabilities.  This is nature giving you skill sets that you may later need to survive, - based on genetic traits that your parents had developed.  This is not an illness. This is a skill set.  However, it could become toxic to you, and even diagnosed as a mental illness, - say for example, ADHD, - if you should then find yourself hyperactive; struggling to pay attention; forgetful. 

Or you may have struggled to cope with adolescence,  and possibly used drugs – maybe cannabis – or prescription drugs -  to cope with how you felt at that time.  And it may have worked!  And you felt calm when you used those drugs.  But now you find that you get angry easily.  And you say things to people you love that you later regret.  And you do things that you later regret.   You get insecure and jealous. You feel different.  Like you don’t ‘belong’This is not an illness.  This is the sensitisation of the brain to substances which result in neurological changes during adolescent cortex development.  This needn’t be permanent.  The brain, and the body are designed to heal and survive.

Or you may have learnt to interpret your world through the prism of culture; family pressures; dysfunctional relationships; bullying; belief systems; work pressures; school pressures; societal expectations.  And this results in constant feelings of anxiety; depression; anger.  This is not an illness.  This is your mind and body struggling to find equilibrium – to survive.

And, in reality, your experiences of mental distress may well consist of a combination of all of these factors!

At ‘My Perfect Mind’ we work solely with clients assuming that they are individually utterly unique and that whatever experiences they may have had, and however they may understand their feelings of mental distress, - that they all exist on a wide spectrum of suffering, - all of which are subject to constant, daily, dynamic change – and we work with individuals and groups in that place. 

We constantly review that throughout our work with you.  This is not a BIOMEDICAL MODEL

This approach does not assume mental distress is an illness.  This approach considers all of the many factors that affect the way you interpret and live in your world:

·         Biological

·         Psychological

·         Societal

·         Philosophical

·         Pharmacological

·         Environmental

·         Cultural

-          And works with clients to help understand and make sense of all of these factors.  We then teach the skills to transform historic distress into potential for the future.