
  • Clients are encouraged to discuss their preferred approach including 1:1 or group coaching; staff training; teaching or individual psychotherapy to address individual or organisational needs. This is then used as the basis of care planning.

  • No assumptions or conclusions are made from any existing diagnoses or behaviours. Instead, these are simply used as clues, which contribute to a mutually agreed care plan.

  • All work adheres to a trauma informed approach. Therapeutic methods do not involve ‘re-living’ any past experiences or traumas. All cognitive work is based solely in the present.  

  • Frequency and duration of sessions will be individually agreed and adapted to suit individual or group needs, in line with agreed care plans.

  • Only scientifically proven techniques are utilised throughout. All work is evidence based and empirically verified.

‘My Perfect Mind’ is right for you if you are looking for a support package that teaches and empowers - making no assumptions from the past. 

‘My Perfect Mind’ works by using clear and understandable language to explain and teach skills to end mental distress and illness. 

This approach empowers sufferers to become masters of their own destiny, restoring their peace and giving clear focus for the future.

Please feel free to contact ‘My Perfect Mind’ if you have any questions.  We’ll be happy to talk to you in confidence, and without any obligation!

We work with a wide range of troubling life experiences including, but not limited to:

·           Emotional problems including anxiety; depression; anger; jealousy;

guilt; OCD

·                  Drug addictions and dependencies (all recreational drugs; alcohol, all

prescription medications)

·                  The effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE’s)

·                  ADHD

·                  Personality Disorders

·                  Psychoses (schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, etc)*

·                  Hearing Voices

·                  Paranoia

·                  Self-Harming

·                  PTSD

·                  Trauma

* As an adjunct to any existing pharmacological treatments.